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In iOS 17.4, iPadOS 17.4, and macOS 14.4 Sonoma, Apple enhanced its Podcasts app to include transcripts of all podcasts in the Apple Podcasts catalog as long as they’re in English, French, German, or Spanish. Transcripts do not translate from one language to another. Much like song lyrics in the Music app, open it by tapping the dialog button in the player. The transcript scrolls in sync with the podcast’s audio. You can also tap anywhere in the transcript to play the audio from that spot. Tap the Search button that appears when you view the transcript to look for any text contained within.

Recent podcasts should all have transcripts now, and Apple is working to catch up on older podcasts. The AI that generates the transcripts sometimes makes mistakes and doesn’t distinguish between different speakers. Overall, the transcripts provide a good sense of what’s being said. Podcast transcripts will only improve as things go forward. One good think about a transcript is if they use a term that you don’t quite get you can look it up check our story on using the dictionary on a Mac.